Mountain House

Located 1.5 miles from Taos Ski Valley

1300 NM-150, Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525

Guest Check-in & Parking

Please check-in at our main property, Alpine Village Suites, located at 100 Thunderbird Rd, Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525. You will pass Cottam's Lodge on your left. Continue for 1.8 mile (5 minutes) to the entrance of Taos Ski Valley.

image of Cottam's Lodge

From the Taos Ski Valley entrance, please follow the signs for "Guest Parking and Services." You will be directed to the left. Follow the road all the way to the village. Our hotel is the first building on the right.

image of Taos Ski Valley entrance

When you arrive, feel free to park at our front door to check-in.

image of Alpine Village Suites check-in location

Once you have received your room keys, return to Cottam's Lodge (5 minutes away). Look for the digital speedometer sign that indicates your MPH, Cottam's Lodge will be directly after this sign on the right.

return to Cottam's Lodge

The Mountain House is located directly behind Cottam's lodge on the left side of the driveway.

image of map to the Mountain House

There are three designated parking spots directly in front of the house. If you need to park additional vehicles, please park on the asphalt in front of Cottam's Lodge.

image of parking at the Mountain House

Arriving after 8pm?

Please call the hotel to arrange a late check-in. A late check-in packet will be prepared and left in a drop box immediately to the left of the front door. Instructions and keys to your room will be provided.